User Interface 2.0;
Hero & Champion Mechs;
Cockpit Glass Anpassung;
Waffentürme in "River City (Day)" sowie "Crimson Straight"
Grüße, Mechkrieger,
Die Website und Server werden zu Wartungszwecken Heute ab 10AM PST für voraussichtlich 3 Stunden heruntergefahren werden. Für die Zeit von einer Stunde wird man sich nicht auf die Website einloggen können.
Patch Notes:
Der Tag ist gekommen! UI 2.0 ist da und es ist glorios! -Dramatische Musik- … Lasst es nur einen Moment wirken.
Ja, UI 2.0 ist da und das ist eine gute Sache, auch wenn es nicht perfekt ist. Es hätte fast nicht geklappt, aufgrund von ein paar Problemen, die wir in letzter Minute entdeckt hatten.
Also erzähle ich euch allen von diesen Problemen und was wir machen, um sie zu beheben.
Erstens - Wir haben ein Einlog-Problem, das einen geringen Anteil von Usern betreffen kann.Wenn ihr davon betroffen seid, seid bitte so geduldig wie möglich und startet den Client neu, bis ihr euch ordentlich einloggen könnt. Das Abbrechen der Intro-Videos mit Esc scheint auch die Fehlerchance zu senken
Zweitens - Wir haben ein Problem mit den Verbrauchs-Items, die in einem Match nicht genutzt werden. Wenn diese nicht entfernt und neu zugefügt werden, kann es passieren, dass sie im nächsten Match nicht nutzbar sind. Man kann diesen Bug vermeiden, indem man Matches nicht frühzeitig verlässt oder die Module neu einbaut.
Drittens – Aktivieren von gespeicherter Premiumteit funktioniert nicht – Wenn ihr also noch vorrätige Premiumzeit habt, und sie aktivieren wollt, müsst ihr auf den HOT FIX warten!
Viertens - Wir haben ein Problem mit der korrekten Anzeige von Camo Spec. Das ist eher unwichtig, also verlasst einfach die Ansicht und öffnet sie erneut, und es sollte alles gut sein.
Hieß es HOT FIX? Yep, das hieß es. Das Team hat sich die Nacht um die Ohren geschlagen um UI 2.0 lieferbereit zu machen, und selbst wenn es nicht perfekt ist, ist es doch ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Die oben genannten Probleme sind unsere wichtigsten Probleme, die wir so schnell wie möglich beheben werden. Die schwerwiegendsten Probleme werden in einem Hot Fix behoben werden, sobald wir die Lösung gefunden haben.
Es gibt auch noch ein paar andere coole Sachen in diesem Patch, also reden wir mal darüber.
Der Firestarter HeroMech "Ember" ist da. Wie Doge sagen würde: WOW, SUCH HARDPOINTS! MUCH POTENTIAL, VERY 30% C-BILLS. I don’t pilot light myself but this mech has converted me. I MUST MASTER THIS MECH!
2 Karten haben im Assault Mode Kampftürme bekommen. Crimson Straight und River City, also wenn ihr auf diesen Karten seid, bleibt wachsam! Wir werden die Daten auswerten und warten auf konstruktives Feedback zu der momentanen Umsetzung, bevor wir weitere Türme auf anderen Karten implementieren.
Endlich sind Tier 1 Waffenmodule fertig! Diese Module beeinflussen die Reichweite und sollten bei bestimmten Builts interessante Effekte ermöglichen. Auch hier werden wir die Daten auswerten und das Feedback beobachten, bevor wir weitere Schritte unternehmen.
Das ist der Beginn von UI 2.0 und es wird nur noch besser werden. Wir sehen uns auf dem Schlachtfeld.
Matt Newman
Neuer HeroMech
"Ember"; FS9-E
Tonnage: 35
Engine: 210 Standard
Top Speed: 97.2 kph
Max Engine Rating: 295
Torso Movement:
100 degrees to each side.
15 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
25 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Armor: 176 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: Flamer x2
Left Torso: Machine Gun x2
Right Torso: Machine Gun x2
Right Arm: Flamer x2
Left Arm: 2 Energy
Left Torso: 2 Ballistic
Right Torso: 2 Ballistic, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 2 Energy
Heat Sinks: 11 Double
Jump Jets: 5 (6 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 2
Movement Archetype: Small
30% C-Bill Bonus
New Trial Champion Mech
Stalker STK-3F©
Tonnage: 85
Engine: 310 XL
Top Speed: 59.1 kph
Max Engine Rating: 310
Torso Movement:
85 degrees to each side.
20 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
0 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Armor: 512 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS, Medium Laser x2
Left Torso: LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS, TAG
Right Torso: LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS
Right Arm: LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS, Medium Laser x2
Left Arm: 1 Missile, 2 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Missile, 1 Energy
Right Torso: 1 Missile, 1 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Torso: 1 Missile, 2 Energy
Heat Sinks: 13 Double
Jump Jets: 0 (0 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 1
Movement Archetype: Large
Front End
UI 2.0
Key Features:
Grundauf neuentwickelt für mehr Stabilität und Flexibilität.
Neuer look and feel.
Verbesserte Darstellung des Betrachteten zu jeder Zeit.
Verbessertes Spielerlebnis.
Verbessert Lade-/Umbauzeiten zur Implementierung neuer Updates und Features.
Ist das Tor zu starken zukünftigen Features wie Community Warfare und Clan Tech.
Assault w/Defense Turrets
Two maps have had defensive turrets added to them in Assault mode.
River City (Day)
Crimson Straight
These two maps will provide a benchmark on the overall tuning of turrets in the mode. After we find out how the mode plays with turrets, we will finalize tuning and add them to all maps in Assault mode.
Tier 1 Weapon Modules Group 1
Small Laser Range 1: Increase the long range of a Small Laser by [2] meters, increase heat output by [0.04], increase maximum range by [4] meters.
Small Laser Range 2: Increase the long range of a Small Laser by [4] meters, increase heat output by [0.08], increase maximum range by [8] meters.
Medium Laser Range 1: Increase the long range of a Medium Laser by [5.4] meters, increase heat output by [0.08], increase maximum range by [10.8] meters.
Medium Laser Range 2: Increase the long range of a Medium Laser by [10.8] meters, increase heat output by [0.16], increase maximum range by [21.6] meters.
Large Laser Range 1: Increase the long range of a Large Laser by [10] meters, increase heat output by [0.14], increase maximum range by [20] meters.
Large Laser Range 2: Increase the long range of a Large Laser by [20] meters, increase heat output by [0.28], increase maximum range by [40] meters.
SRM 6 Range 1: Increase the long range of a SRM 6 by [6] meters, increase heat output for SRM 6 by [0.08], increase maximum range by [6] meters.
SRM 6 Range 2: Increase the long range of a SRM 6 by [12] meters, increase heat output for SRM 6 by [0.16], increase maximum range by [12] meters.
SRM 2 Range 1: Increase the long range of a SRM 2 by [6] meters, increase heat output for SRM 2 by [0.04], increase maximum range by [6] meters.
SRM 2 Range 2: Increase the long range of a SRM 2 by [12] meters, increase heat output for SRM 2 by [0.08], increase maximum range by [12] meters.
SRM 4 Range 1: Increase the long range of a SRM 4 by [6] meters, increase heat output for SRM 4 by [0.06], increase maximum range by [6] meters.
SRM 4 Range 2: Increase the long range of a SRM 4 by [12] meters, increase heat output for SRM 4 by [0.12], increase maximum range by [12] meters.
Streak SRM 2 Range 1: Increase the long range of a Streak SRM 2 by [6] meters, decrease rate of fire by [0.04], increase maximum range by [6] meters.
Streak SRM 2 Range 2: Increase the long range of a Streak SRM 2 by [12] meters, decrease rate of fire by [0.08], increase maximum range by [12] meters.
L. Pulse Laser Range 1: Increase the long range of a Large Pulse Laser by [6.6] meters, increase heat output by [0.15], increase maximum range by [13.2] meters.
L. Pulse Laser Range 2: Increase the long range of a Large Pulse Laser by [13.2] meters, increase heat output by [0.3], increase maximum range by [26.4] meters.
M. Pulse Laser Range 1: Increase the long range of a Medium Pulse Laser by [4] meters, increase heat output by [0.1], increase maximum range by [8] meters.
M. Pulse Laser Range 2: Increase the long range of a Medium Pulse Laser by [8] meters, increase heat output by [0.2], increase maximum range by [16] meters.
S. Pulse Laser Range 1: Increase the long range of a Small Pulse Laser by [2] meters, increase heat output by [0.048], increase maximum range by [4] meters.
S. Pulse Laser Range 2: Increase the long range of a Small Pulse Laser by [4] meters, increase heat output by [0.096], increase maximum range by [8] meters.
AC/10 Range 1: Increase the long range of a AC/10 by [9.5] meters, increase heat output by [0.06], increase maximum range by [28.5] meters.
AC/10 Range 2: Increase the long range of a AC/10 by [19] meters, increase heat output by [0.12], increase maximum range by [57] meters.
AC/5 Range 1: Increase the long range of a AC/5 by [13] meters, increase heat output by [0.02], increase maximum range by [39] meters.
AC/5 Range 2: Increase the long range of a AC/5 by [26] meters, increase heat output by [0.04], increase maximum range by [78] meters.
AC/2 Range 1: Increase the long range of a AC/2 by [15] meters, increase heat output by [0.02], increase maximum range by [45] meters.
AC/2 Range 2: Increase the long range of a AC/2 by [30] meters, increase heat output by [0.04], increase maximum range by [90] meters.
AC/20 Range 1: Increase the long range of a AC/20 by [5.4] meters, increase heat output by [0.12], increase maximum range by [16.2] meters.
AC/20 Range 2: Increase the long range of a AC/20 by [10.8] meters, increase heat output by [0.24], increase maximum range by [32.4] meters.
Flamer Range 1: Increase the long range of a Flamer by [1] meters, increase heat output by [0.01], increase maximum range by [1] meters.
Flamer Range 2: Increase the long range of a Flamer by [2] meters, increase heat output by [0.02], increase maximum range by [2] meters.
AMS Range 1: Increase the long range of a AMS by [4] meters, increase maximum range by [8] meters.
AMS Range 2: Increase the long range of a AMS by [8] meters, increase maximum range by [16] meters.
LB 10-X AC Range 1: Increase the long range of a LB 10-X AC by [11] meters, increase heat output by [0.04], increase maximum range by [33] meters.
LB 10-X AC Range 2: Increase the long range of a LB 10-X AC by [22] meters, increase heat output by [0.08], increase maximum range by [66] meters.
Machine Gun Range 1: Increase the long range of a Machine Gun by [2.6] meters, increase maximum range by [5.2] meters.
Machine Gun Range 2: Increase the long range of a Machine Gun by [5.2] meters, increase maximum range by [10.4] meters.
Normalisierung des Glaseffektes durch Verringerung der Lichtstärke auf River City, Forest Colony Day, and Tourmaline Desert, und durch Verstärkung auf HPG Manifold.
Lowered opacity of front "clear" glass areas globally. <- Keine Ahnung
The Founders' Atlas now has the same level of weapon customization as the other Atlas variants.
Known Issues under immediate investigation
The following issues are under investigation for a potential hot-fix later this week
Players may on occasion become stuck shortly after login with a 'Connecting' message displayed onscreen. This issue will normally manifest if the client was closed immediately after changing the selected `Mech. Attempting to log in again will normally resolve this issue.
The Activate Button for Banked Premium Time is currently non-functional. A fix is in place that will be deployed at the earliest opportunity.
Used consumables may rarely behave as if they were not consumed within the UI after a leaving a match. When attempting to re-equip a consumable module in this condition, a error message will be presented. This issue can sometimes result from quitting matches before they have concluded. In testing this issue does not present itself if the player observed the match end. Current workaround - log out and log back in again to ensure correct consumable module behavior. Alternately, play through a second match and the Mechlab should behave normally.
We thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!